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Retreat/Conference Planning.
Is your org is interested in planning a retreat? Below is a retreat checklist to guide your planning.
1. Email the Jesi with a word document that should include:
a) The planned dates for the retreat.
b) Number of people who are going.
c) Budget for the trip: Hotel/Airbnb, tickets, food, transportation, designated drivers, etc.
Hotel/Airbnb: Hotels and Airbnb are excellent options for locating a retreat space. However, please note that Vrbo is NOT suitable for booking retreat spaces as it is a third-party website. While hotels can serve as retreat spaces, it is advisable not to book them through third-party websites. Instead, use the rate calculator to ensure that the location you choose has rates below the maximum allowed per person. If you need help finding a location/space, email Jesi.
Transportation: Buses are usually a viable option for retreats; however, due to a shortage of bus personnel/ huge expense, it is better to have a group of drivers (personal cars) among yourselves to facilitate transportation (if there is no bus availability, of course). Your group of designated drivers MUST complete a driver's authorization here. Completing a driver's authorization means you will be reimbursed for mileage at $0.655 per mile. Check out the Expense Reimbursement tab to do an expense reimbursement after the trip.
Food: Food approval will be needed for the retreat if you intend to use org funds for food. It is also an option to pay for your food out of your pocket or through your SFO.
d) What activities are going to be on the trip? (itinerary)
​e) Do you need an OMSS guide on the retreat? OMSS staff can accompany your group if available.
f) A completed Student Org Risk Waiver from all participants.
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